G INMED Hybrid course
G INMED Hybrid course
¥15000.00 ¥20000.00
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20170724   仁美国际医疗(中国)logo.jpg  Harvard Medical School Teaching Hospital logo 窄边.pngHimagedoctor+ logo 长方形.png

Medicine today is a global profession, because diseases, resources, research, colleagues span all continents. Prepare yourself for the medicine of today through the INMED International Medicine& Public Health Hybrid Course, made available to you through H’Image Doctor and the Institute for International Medicine, in cooperation with the American Academy of Family Physicians.

This course will particularly advance the careers of physicians through provision of:

·      A UnitedStates academic credential recognized by the US universities, residency programs, and immigration officials

·      Opportunities to form relationships with influential United States faculty physicians

·      Improved familiarity with American and international standards of medical care

·      Improved clinical skills necessary to serve the proverty

This courseis endorsed by numerous famous medical institutions including:

·      Harvard University

·      New York University

·      University of Pittsburg

·      University of Texas at Dallas

·      American Academy of Family Physicians

·      American College of Emergency Medicine

·      American Academy of Pediatrics

·      Royal Canadian College of Surgeons

Skills in English language will also be improved through consistent study of the course content, aided by provision of English language tutoring provided as part of the course. Become a truly global medicine physician. Enroll now in the INMED International Medicine &Public Health Hybrid Course.


The cost for the International Medicine& Public Health Intensive Hybrid Course held in China is ¥20,000 (¥15,000 for students, students can also apply scholarship) per individual. Tuition fee is different around the word, because of the added time and expense of faculty travel, logistics, and regulation compliance.


On-line section: From April 15th,2019 to Sept. 1st,2019

In-classroom section:


Time: on September 7 – 8, 2019 (Sat – Sun).

Or you can join the Harvard in-classroom section which is on Nov14 - 15, 2019 at Harvard Medical School teaching hospital.


For payment, please proceed to Online Registration.

Registration deadline: April 14, 2019



Weekly Course Assignments:

Medicine Week One Online: Diseasesof Poverty, Part One April 15-28

Lesson One: Introduction toDiseases of Poverty
Lesson Two: Malnutrition
Lesson Three: Enteric Infections
Lesson Four: Viral Diseases
Lesson Five: Malaria

Medicine Week Two Online: Diseasesof Poverty, Part Two, Dates April 29-May 12

Lesson Six: Tuberculosis
Lesson Seven: Bacterial Infections
Lesson Eight: Protozoal Diseases
Lesson Nine: Intestinal Helminth Infections
Lesson Ten: Tissue Helminth Infections
Lesson Eleven: Disease Management Protocols

Medicine Week Three Online: Low-ResourceHIV Medicine, May 13-26

Lesson One: Introduction to theHIV/AIDS Epidemic
Lesson Two: Prevention of HIV Infection
Lesson Three: Mother To Child Transmission (MTCT) Prevention
Lesson Four: Treatment Of HIV Infection
Lesson Five: HIV-Related Opportunistic Diseases
Lesson Six: Children & HIV Infection

Medicine Week Four Online: Maternal Newborn Health: Mothers, May 27-June 9

LessonOne: Surviving Motherhood

LessonTwo: Pre & Post Natal Care

LessonThree: Pregnancy Complications

LessonFour: Pressing Women's Disability Issues

Medicine Week Five Online: Maternal Newborn Health: Newborns, June 10-23


LessonFive: Newborn Care Overview

LessonSix: Healthy Newborn

LessonSeven: Newborn Problems and Management

LessonEight: Maternal Newborn Future Vision

Public Health Week One Online: InternationalPublic Health, June 24-July 7

Lesson One: Introduction toInternational Public Health
Lesson Two: Health and Social Context
Lesson Three: Strategy for Health
Lesson Four: Effective Health Promotion
Lesson Five: Effective Disease And Injury Intervention

Public Health Week Two Online: DisasterManagement, July 8-21

Lesson One: Introduction toDisaster Management
Lesson Two: Disaster Mitigation
Lesson Three: Disaster Preparedness
Lesson Four: Disaster Response
Lesson Five: Disaster Recovery

Public Health Week Three Online: Cross-CulturalSkills, July 22-August 4

Lesson One: Relevance ofCultures
Lesson Two: Basic Cross-cultural Competency
Lesson Three: Healthcare Cross-cultural Competency
Lesson Four: International Cross-cultural Competency

Public Health Week Four Online: InternationalHealth Leadership, August 5-18

Lesson One: Introductionto International Health Leadership
Lesson Two: Strategy for Health
Lesson Three: Major International Health Initiatives
Lesson Four: How To Lead A Health System

Public Health Week Five Online: HealthcareEducation, August 19-September 1

Lesson One: SkillTransfer and Empowerment
Lesson Two: Effective Learning
Lesson Three: Effective Teaching
Lesson Four: Feedback and Evaluation

In-Classroom Section Schedule

International Medicine, Nursing& Public Health Hybrid Course

Nov. 2019, Harvard Medical School TeachingHospital

In-ClassSession, Day 1,

8:00  Introductions
8:15  Fightingthe Diseases of Poverty Discussion
9:30  HelpingBabies Breathe Skills Stations
10:45Complicated Obstetrical SkillsStations


1:00  International Medicine Exam Review

1:30  Suturing & Wound Care Skill Stations

3:00  F-100 Formulation Exercise

3:15  Tropical Medicine Case Studies

4:00 International Medicine Final Exam

5:30 Following the exam: informal dinner outing withclassmates

In-ClassSession, Day 2,

8:00  Introductions

8:15  FromRescue to Resilience Discussion

9:15  Oral Rehydration Formulation Exercise

9:30  Group Photo

9:45  Disaster Management Skills Stations

10:45Cross-Cultural Skills Session

11:30International Public Health Exam Review

12:00Poverty Meal (provided)

1:00  Community Health Survey Exercise

3:00 LaunchingYour International Healthcare Career Discussion

4:00  International Public Health Final Exam

5:00  Finish

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